Stacking up Google optimization efforts

We keep optimizing our meta tags, keywords, link structure, content densities, markup, etc.. etc.. But how does Google optimize itself for us? If this is any sort of ‘relationship’ what’s Google been doing for us lately? Anti-Spam DMARC Efforts One of the big problems with promoting on-line is the folks who don’t care about courtesy […]

If we can’t do that, then we ought’a go broke

 At the age of only 31, Steve Jobs has already been able to express his fascinating vision, luckily documented for all future generations in the series of videos now available on Youtube.It’s an amazing example of how to build the fanatical corporate culture through nothing more other then strong motivation of every individual involved. At 13:30 watch and learn how to create a company. “World does not care about our internal struggles”, Jobs said. More from where this came from. Continue reading →