Fetch as Google Bot Helps Hacked Sites

 Anyone who has had their website hacked (and knows about it) understands that pains that are required to clean up your site to remove the infection. Besides “clear-cut, black-hat webspam” the second largest category of spam that Google deals with consistently is that of hacked websites. I wrote a post a while ago detailing what […]
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Litigation vs. Innovation – The Apple Way

 I’m really ashamed of my days of being an Apple loyalist, encouraging people to consider Apple solutions, and fighting for the ‘little guy’ computer company. That ‘little guy‘ I once championed, has since grown up to be a thug making immoral decisions that I no longer agree with. Apple is causing me deep personal embarrassment […]
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Gmail Rank & the Moon Landing

 Bill Slawski had an interesting blog post the other day speaking about the rise of Gmail Rank and the Importance of Good Subject lines. It seems that Google is experimenting with the possibility of including your own emails in your search results. Users will have to opt-in and only the emails that have been be […]
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