The Valley is focusing too much on 140 characters and not enough on flying cars

 Peter Thiel says that the “the Valley is focusing too much on 140 characters and not enough on flying cars” and this message resonated really well with me. There is so much money floating around and it’s being invested to startups that really solve no problem. Even worse, some of them basically invent the problem and then try to convince us that we had it all along. Continue reading →

Update Facebook Untuk Android

 Aplikasi mobile Facebook kerap menuai kecaman dari para pengguna, mulai dari kecepatan hingga hilangnya fungsi photo sharing dan tagging. Hadirnya update memang membawa beberapa perubahan termasuk memperbaiki bugs dan layout serta beberapa hal yang bahkan bisa membuat penggunanya khawatir. Menurut Facebook, update ini menghadirkan kemampuan messaging … Continue reading →